Our Ministries
Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) Ruth Chapter is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives. We are an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, and churches in communion with it. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others. We are an order, not an organization. An order is a community under a religious rule; especially one requiring members to take solemn vows. We don't just enroll as members and attend meetings; we take life-long vows to follow the Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service.
St. Veronica's Guild
St. Veronica's is an informal organization of parish members who provide food or other assistance to parish members in times of need. The guild has no officers, meetings or formal structure and functions only when needed. For many years the guild has been there for parish families in times of grief or illness.
St. Anne's Gift Shop
The Redeemer Gift Shop provides a convenient location for parishioners and friends to purchase unique Christian gifts, collectibles, books and stationery. The dedicated parishioners who are members of St. Anne's Guild see to the operation of the shop after each of the services on Sunday. The Shop will also open on request—please call the church office for an appointment or email at: GiftShop@redeemer-irving.org. Profits from the Shop are donated to a variety of Church approved missions.
Outreach Ministries
This committee organizes a full parish program of donations of time, talent, and treasure. The service projects and recipients of money and goods change each month in order to meet a wide range of needs and to offer varied opportunities for service. The parish budget also provides funding for the Hanes Elementary Partnership, Family Promise of Irving, Irving Cares, and Heifer International. See Mission and Outreach for more details.
Worship Ministries
We have many ways for you be actively engaged in our worship ministries. Learn More
Redeemer Montessori School
Redeemer Montessori School is an educational ministry of our church, providing affordable, accredited Montessori education for children ages 18 months through 6th grade. Learn More