Sacraments of the Church
Sacraments are outward and visible signs of God’s love and grace. The two Dominical Sacraments of the Church are the Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism, which were given to the Church by Christ himself. The other five sacramental rites which evolved in the Church over a period of time include Confirmation, Matrimony, Reconciliation, and Unction and the Laying on of Hands and Ordination. All seven sacraments are found in daily living: Cleansing, Eating, Touching in healing, Listening to others pour out their hearts, Supporting people as they take important steps in their lives and Setting apart some for leadership. From those common every day actions, the Church derives its “Seven Sacraments”.
Holy Eucharist
Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper or The Mass is open to all baptized Christians who receive the sacrament in their own churches. If members of the church are not able to be present due to illness, the Sacrament may be brought to them in their homes or in the hospital either by clergy or by a member of the team of Lay Eucharistic Visitors who are licensed to take it out on Sundays.
Holy Baptism
Baptism is celebrated within the context of the Sunday Eucharist. It is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, the Day of Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday, and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord or during the visitation of the Bishop. Whether for adults or for infants, preparation for Baptism precedes the Sacrament through instruction by clergy or lay people.
Also known as the Renewal of Baptismal Vows or Reaffirmation, normally takes place during the annual visitation of the Bishop to the parish. Classes to prepare candidates for confirmation are given in anticipation of the Bishop’s visit. This sacrament allows all people to make a mature statement of their commitment to follow Christ in their lives whether they were baptized as an infant or an adult.
The Reconciliation of a Penitent or Confession is available for all who desire it by contacting the church office. While it is especially appropriate during the Lenten season, it may be requested at any time.
Holy Unction
Holy Unction and the Laying on of Hands for healing is available for the asking anytime. In case of accident, illnesses, or hospitalization, please notify the church office. The priest will visit either in home or hospital and offer anointing and prayers for healing.
Holy Matrimony
Holy Matrimony is offered to couples, one of whom must be a baptized member in good standing of the parish. Marriages are usually not performed during the seasons of Lent or Advent. Couples should contact the rector several months in advance of the planned date of their wedding to arrange for the required pre-marital counseling. Please do this before setting a date for the wedding so it can be entered on the parish calendar.
Ordination is a sacrament which involves years of discernment by the local parish and the diocese. People who believe they may be called to Holy Orders first speak with their parish priest to begin the process. The Church understands that both God and the People of God are involved in “calling” anyone to Holy Orders. For that reason, a large part of the preparation involves opportunities for discernment with other lay people and members of the clergy.
Christian Burial
Members of the church may be properly buried from the church. The priest may also conduct funeral home or graveside services for non-members. Please contact the clergy to make arrangements for a burial service. The church office has forms to aid in preparation of such services. Some may wish to have their cremains in the columbarium at the church. A brochure is available with the details about the columbarium.