Redeemer is a traditional Rite II parish with two services each Sunday morning.
8:00AM - Rite II
Holy Eucharist
10:30AM - Rite II
Holy Eucharist with music
As common throughout the Diocese of Dallas, the Eucharist is celebrated at all services. A full altar party including lay reader, acolytes, and lay Eucharistic ministers serve at both Sunday Services, where greeters and ushers are present to welcome visitors.
Our early Sunday service at 8:00 am is a said Eucharistic service. The later service at 10:30 am is a full choral Eucharist.
The sanctuary, vestments, vessels, and altar furnishings are beautiful, and they are superbly and lovingly maintained by an experienced and dedicated altar guild.
Our church choir, ably led by our choir director and organist, is a very dedicated group. Their contribution to the majesty and solemnity of the liturgy is recognized as a very important part of the later Sunday worship experience.
Our worship changes throughout the year with the church's seasons. You can learn more about the church's seasons here.