Pastoral Care
As a community of Christ, Redeemer cares for its members through Pastoral Care.
This is a ministry of both our ordained and lay ministers. In case of accident, illnesses, or hospitalization, please notify the church office at 972-255-4171 or RedeemerOffice@Redeemer-Irving.org as soon as possible.
The priest or a member of the Community of Hope will visit either in home or hospital and offer anointing and prayers for healing. The parish also has a team of Lay Eucharistic Visitors who are licensed by the Diocese to take the consecrated bread and wine after the Sunday services to those unable to attend church. The priest will also take Holy Communion during the week to those who request it.
The Daughters of the King (DOK) keep a confidential prayer list. To add a name to the list you can email it to: DOKprayers@redeemer-irving.org, or drop the name in the prayer box on the right as you leave the church. The DOK list is updated monthly, so if you have long-term prayers, please let the Daughters know.
The priest is also available one-on-one for spiritual direction, pastoral care and counseling, confession. Please contact the church office.