About the Episcopal Church
Not everyone knows about The Episcopal Church, its current organization, or its roots in the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Want an overview?
Who Are Episcopalians?
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is one of the parishes or churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. Our diocese is one of many dioceses in The Episcopal Church, which is a part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.The Anglican Church, or Church of England, traces its beginnings back to the first century when citizens of the Roman Empire brought the Christian faith to the British Isles. A few centuries later, Augustine of Canterbury, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, was sent by the Pope to organize and spread the faith.In the 16th century, the Church in England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church under the reign of Henry VIII. Under the leadership of Archbishop Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer was compiled and published. Cranmer and his successors sought to form a Church that reflected both catholic and reformed doctrine and practices. As the English settled and colonized other countries, they took their form of worship with them and established churches under the authority of the Church of England all over the world.The Episcopal Church in this country was founded after the revolutionary war by Christians who were members of the Church of England. Although the Episcopal Church is independent from the Church of England, we share a common form of worship, found in the Book of Common Prayer, and our bishops are in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. You can find out more about The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion at these websites:
The Episcopal Church: episcopalchurch.org
The Anglican Communion: anglicancommunion.org
Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry
The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry was installed as the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church on November 1, 2015. He was elected and confirmed at the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City, UT, on June 27, 2015. He is the Chief Pastor and serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and chair of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church.